Monday 27 January 2014

American Plane 1

For the American plane model I went thought the same modeling method as the Japanese plane only this time I started by making the basic shape of the American plane then modifying it. In this case I wanted to make the plane heavy and large. I made the all ready large nose larger and added more exhausts then necessary. A large gun finished this off.

With both models finished I was able to concentrate on the materials for the Japanese plane I went for what I felt were the colours of Japan red, gold and white, however the white made the plane cartoon-y and I changed it to silver. The American plane was simply metals and camouflage, I was lucky as I found a image from Google that fit my model perfectly. To get the materials to cover only certain areas of my model I simple selected where I wanted it to go in edible poly polygon setting, and dragged the material to that section.

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