Saturday 19 October 2013



In the real time line the 'Golden Age', of airships started in the 1900 with the coming of the Zeppelin. However people where looking into making working airships for years beforehand.
Countries had their own airship plans and made attempts to make works ones. Most of course had issues and where unsafe.

Airships came into there own during the First World War (WW1), when the Germans uses then to bomb towns and cities including London. They were also used to drop bombs on boat convoys. These where the precursors for the Blitz and the idea behind the 'Total War'.

The end of the Airship age came to an end with the Hindenburg which caught fire and was destroyed on 6th of May 1937. This lead to the decline of the Airships, before this it was believed that passenger flights from Europe to America would only be a few years away and the Empire State Building in New York was built with a airship dock as part of it. 

In recent years with the rising cost of things Hybrid-airships have began to appear mixing heavier-then-air and lighter-than-air technology. This is the sort of thing we want to go for with our designs. 

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